北海道旅遊的竅門-氣候與穿著 / 0圓景點和必看的景點(需另付費) 本網站是向計畫要拜訪日本北海道的諸位來介紹有用的北海道旅遊情報的網站。
Hokkaido Travel Tips - weather, temperature and clothing / 0 yen tourist spots and recommended paid spots (with extras). Hokkaido, it's a popular travel destination in Japan. The scenery in Hokkaido is very different in the four seasons. Enjoy our Hokkaido photos at home, at school, or even at your workplace in wherever you may be. When you plan to visit Hokkaido, this information will be useful for planning.

0圓景點和必看的景點(需另付費)0 yen Spots / Must-see Paid Spots

Information on both “0 yen tourist spots” and “Must-see paid spots with extra benefits” are archived in our blog. We introduce some example articles here. We are happy if we can help you enjoy sightseeing in Hokkaido!


In the main category on the blog, we use areas' names. When you decide your route, you could easily make your travel plan. Tourist spots information and other information such as “Nature and Park” or “Food”, is included in each article. This is as a sub-category.


These are all sub-categories.

自然、公園 Nature and Parks
景觀 View
藝術、文化、美術館 Art, Culture and Art Museums
觀光設施(觀賞、學習)、其他的博物館 Educational or Interactive facilities and Other Museums
各處的免費休息所 0 yen spots to have a rest
體驗和娛樂活動 Experience and Activities
美食 Food
購物、當地特產 Shopping and Souvenirs
旅行便利小物 Useful goods to make your travel comfortable
節慶活動 Events
關於札幌電視塔 About Sapporo TV Tower
Others View


北海道自治勞會館Hokkaido Jichiro Kaikan Building


Category: Sapporo Kita-ku [Others]

大樓入口處有北海道棕熊的標本。告示牌上寫說是8歲的公熊。因為是大樓的出入口, 去觀賞時請注意不要影響行人的出路。此處並不是觀光客專用的設施,拍照攝影時請勿喧嘩。
There is a big stuffed Higuma-bear at the entrance of this building. According to the sign, it is eight year-old male bear. As a lot of people use this entrance, please be careful not to get in the way. This place is not really meant as a tourist spot, but you can take a photo if you a nice and quick about it.

道產食彩HUGHUG-Mart and HUG-Eat

Category: Sapporo Kita-ku [Food] [Shopping and Souvenirs]

這家店位於狸小路5丁目。由HUG-mart和HUG-eat 兩部分所構成。HUG-mart 是販售使用北海道產食材的食品( 農產品、海產品、畜產品、加工食品)。在HUG-eat 則是可以享用使用北海道產食材的各種菜餚。
This shop is located in Tanuki Koji 5-chome. HUG-Mart is a shop and HUG-eat is a food court. HUG-Mart sells food (farm, stock farm and marine products, and processed food). At HUG-Eat, you can enjoy eating food using ingredients produced in Hokkaido.

石山綠地Ishiyama Green Space


Category: Sapporo Minami-ku [Nature and Parks]

昔日做為採石場的公園,當時可採集到稱作札幌軟石的石材,是很適合用於建築物的材料。冬季時整個公園會被積雪所覆蓋,如過要拜訪請於夏季時前往。這個公園是由北海道的雕刻家所企劃的。也會舉辦被稱作Negative Mound的戶外音樂會。
This park was formerly used as a quarry. In those days, Sapporo Nanseki (Sapporo soft stone) was quarried here, and was used as a building material. As the land is covered with snow in winter, summer is the best time to enjoy this spot. This park was revitalized by a group of sculptors in Hokkaido. The music concerts are sometimes held the square called Negative Mound.

札幌電視塔Sapporo TV Tower


Category: Chuo-ku [View]

You can get a good view of Odori Park and buildings in the center of Sapporo from the observation deck which is 90 meters high. The vista of Odori Park shows seasonal changes beautifully, and it is a romantic scene in any season. This view is almost always used in travel guidebooks on Hokkaido. In winter, you can see White Illumination and Sapporo Snow Festival here, and they are among the most famous of Hokkaido's tourist experiences.
The elevator to the observation deck and shops is on the third floor, and also there are free seats to have a rest for anyone on the third floor. However, if you have a ticket, you can also take advantage of much better seats at the western side of the tower, which provide a beautiful view of Odori Park. There is a also vending machine for drinks.


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